31 May 2011

Polka Dot Dress Remix

It's good to be back in the blogosphere! I was out of pocket for a few days. I thought I'd have time to do a few posts during that time but I should've known that I'd be too busy.

I'm back in the swing of things at work today, so no real posts yet, but here's a remix I put together a couple months back on Polyvore.

I'm remixing around the polka dot dress below. What's your favorite piece?

Polka Dot Dress Remix

Polka Dot Dress Remix by lemondrop_linz featuring a fitted blazer

I think I'm partial to the yellow blazer myself. :)

Maybe it's time for me to admit that yellow is my new favorite color. I still think pink reigns first though.

In other news, I'm gearing up to work on some cute baby items for a dear friend's baby shower coming up at the end of June.

Would y'all be interested in seeing some cute baby shower tutorials and crafts along the way? I can't share too many before the shower, but I can share them ALL afterwards!


  1. I love the dress, and agree with the yellow blazer. However, I'd wear the dress w/o the blazer and with some yellow heels. or that color blue of the sweater on the left. and by "I'd wear," I mean it completely hypothetical :)

  2. Lovely! And I LOVE polka dots :)

    I wore your suggestion! Check it out!

